Friday, November 21, 2008

Funny Stuff!

So I don't even know this person, but I wish I did! I've been blog hopping today and this is a friend of a friend. I think you should check out this blog.

Here's a couple of my favorites:

I am thinking of starting a satelite TV network here in Utah.
It would be called Tight Like Unto A Dish Network and it wouldn't have Showtime or HBO.

I guess Arnold Friberg must have read the Liahona Study Guide...

"Ask it if Ishmael's daughter likes my furry vest."

Monday, monday...

So... I really should be doing something productive, like my PS homework or...I can't think of anything else. Since I am at work you will be getting lots of posts from me. Be excited. Right now I would like to tell you a little about my friend Carrie. She is quite the singer. Stacy, Scoobie, Amanda, Megan and I went up to Portland to see her, along with a ton of other people, on Monday night. It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed myself. Ok so I lied. Carrie Underwood is not my friend. But, I'm sure we would be if she new me. For sure.

Coolest thing EVER!

Ok so maybe not the coolest thing ever, but pretty close! Here I sit, busy at work, looking through the Staples store catalog. What do I stumble across? An electric crayon sharpener! Most of you probably have seen one or even own one, (if so envious sigh in your general direction) but this is a new thing for me! Where were these when I was growing up. No more ripping off the wrapper and coloring with stubs. Boy do kids these days have it easy...

Friday, November 14, 2008

So here I sit at work seems like my first post was so long ago. :) Ok so it was HOURS ago. Many hours ago... I thought I would let you enjoy a moment of me Irish jiggin' it. (sorry it's a little dark, but you get the general idea)

PS I don't know if you can hear it but I provide mine own jiggin' music.

Due to popular demand...

So due to my popularity, the demand for a blog created by me was so overwhelming. I cannot disappoint those who adore. Haha just kidding. I saw my friends doing blogs and I thought to myself "self, you need have a blog of your own." So being the sheep that I am, here is my blog. I will post randomly, pictures and stories from my life, some of my photography, prophecies and obituaries. (okay maybe not obituaries...or prophecies...qeez you people are no fun!) That's all I got right now. So enjoy!